Tax consulting


We offer general tax administration services to our customers. Tax administration involves the filling of tax returns which include annual returns of corporation income tax (CIT), monthly pay as you earn (PAYE) returns and monthly value added tax (VAT) returns. We offer advice on the registration of different taxes, especially the VAT as most clients find complex.

The way we prepare management accounts as detailed above makes the preparation of tax returns easy and hence less costly.


We also offer advice and assistance on tax resolution matters. If there are issues that need to be resolved between our clients and the tax authorities, we assist our clients in resolving those issues. If the tax authorities want to carry audits on our clients businesses, we offer assistance and advice on compiling all necessary documentation to ensure that our clients pay correct taxes.

When we prepare the financial statements and the management accounts as detailed above, we do those with the tax authorities as one of the key stakeholders.